A Visit from The University of Queensland (Australia)

We had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Aleks Rakic (Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and IT), Ms. Nicole Patterson (Senior Manager, Strategy and Partnerships • Global Strategy & Partnerships), and Ms. Angela Li (Senior Manager of International Engagement, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and IT) from The University of Queensland, on April 18, 2023.

In the meeting with Prof. Wada (Dean, Graduate School of Engineering Science), Prof. Ogata (Vice Dean), Prof. Kawahara, and Ms. Suzuki (International Planning and Promotion/IESC Office), they made great progress in discussions regarding forming an interfaculty agreement between the two universities, which will prove to be truly beneficial to UQ and OU students as well as for the future of engineering science.


From left: Ms. Suzuki, Prof. Kawahara, Prof. Aleks Rakic,
Prof. Wada, Prof. Ogata, Ms. Nicole Patterson、Ms. Angela


Prof. Aleks Rakic and Prof. Wada

